The Top 10 Best Business Books You Need to Read
Introduction: Best Business Books To succeed in business, stay up-to-date with trends and strategies. Reading the best business books is a great way to accomplish that. So here are the top 10 books t…
Introduction: Best Business Books To succeed in business, stay up-to-date with trends and strategies. Reading the best business books is a great way to accomplish that. So here are the top 10 books t…
Book ReviewBusinessEmail Marketing
The Invisible Selling Machine was written by the best of the best in online marketing, Ryan Deiss. GOAT material. I’ve been working in online marketing for the past 13 years and there comes the point…
Book ReviewDanielle LaporteGoal-Setting
*WARNING* completing The Desire Map will disrupt your fucking life! Sounds terrible right? Well, sometimes temporary pain is necessary for living a life of true happiness. Sometimes you gotta undo …
Book ReviewDecision MakingPeter Drucker
If I had read The Effective Executive just a few months sooner than I did, I probably would not have quit my six-figure consulting gig. The Effective Executive by Peter F. Drucker is for all the #…
The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage by Mel Robbins If I could ONLY recommend ONE book to someone that I thought would empower them to take massive, sn…
You're eating chia seeds all wrong. Yes, there is a certain way to eat them to get all the health benefits and it's not how you see your favorite health bloggers eating them on Instagram. I see so man…